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For a lot of women, periods bring a lot of pain and disturbance to their lives. What is meant to be a natural and pain free process can end up bringing torment and dis-ease when the balance is broken.


Whilst connecting with the womb and engaging in a womb centered movement practice throughout the month can bring much healing and relief, often problems have taken a long time to build up and will usually be healed only from a multifaceted approach that is gently worked with over time. Its definitely worth the effort though! Reclaiming your health and balance in your everyday work and life brings greater peace a multitude of benefits down the line...

The nature of a woman's experience during her blood time, and the absence of periods are considered a great diagnostic tool in traditional medicines such as Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine. This means that your experience of pain or discomfort, the length of your cycles, the way you bleed or the absence of blood can tell you so much about the health of your whole being! Once you can hear what your period is trying to tell you about your health you can begin to take steps to move your health and life back on track.

This work is offered in the spirit of helping others. In no way am I suggesting you are not normal or special if your cycles are causing your trouble and pain, or that you are to blame for the pain you suffer, I am suggesting that something has gone out of whack and that there are possible ways to bring healing back to your womb and your life.


These tools may include:


  • learning to take deep rest when bleeding especially on the first couple of days

  • charting the cycle and learning to move with its inherent energies in your daily tasks

  • developing a regular womb focused yoga practice

  • developing a regular exercise practice for building energy and strength

  • looking at building blood through improving or changing the diet

  • looking at the digestive health

  • working with someone who offers abdominal massage and learning how to do this yourself

  • looking at stress which does a great job at disturbing our hormonal system and hence our periods

  • trying traditional therapies like yoni steaming or smudging

  • working with an acupuncturist and herbalist

  • cultivating focus such that a meditation practice can be entered into

  • exploring being fully present when the pain arises such that any underlying messages can be unveiled

  • taking time to nourish yourself and explore your femininity - reclaiming the yin/yang balance

I look forward to bringing you more information and embodied experience regarding these tools. Click Here if you would like to explore working with me.


I have found working with a TCM practitioner/ acupuncturist to be an invaluable tool and in the Coffs region recommend Ben Chandler who can be contacted for treatments and advise on 0490 759 495


To heal my own painful periods which involved terrible headaches has been a great learning experience. It has involved ongoing work on my part to get my health moving in the right direction and has involved a LOT of blood building food, herbs to strengthen my digestion, regular exercise and rest.

Each woman is so special and so unique and the imbalances we experience are also unique so although there are common problems we experience the guidance of a trained traditional doctor and even the help of a western medicine practitioner can be invaluable. I certainly benefited from the diagnostic tools of western medicine and from the kind and thoughtful help and experience of my western doctor. Its great to have multifaceted support in healing or coping with these problems/realities.

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