Healing and Reconnection
Womb Temple

To rebuild the Village, we need to come together as a Village
Sitting with other women and sharing in a safe and welcoming space is both deeply nourishing and deeply healing. Follow me on instagram for regular updates and upcoming events and read on about the regular seasonal events that Im offering in our Mid-North Coast Community.
Since arriving in this region 15 odd years ago, I have felt the passion and compulsion to inspire community and reunite our village spirit. After hosting dozens of community events and performing and sharing at more than a dozen local festivals I have become involved with the Coffs Coast Mothers' Village (see instagram) both showcasing my work with young mothers and inspiring community support for new parents in the area. ​
The Mother's Village (also known as the Village) was conceived of to weave a web of support for young families navigating fertility, pregnancy, birth and postpartum by a group of local holistic women who work with families through this time - such as doulas, naturopaths, yoga teachers, breastfeeding educators, bodyworks etc.. We wanted to have a single place online where parents could access information about all the holistic serves available, but not only that - we had the intention to help reunite the Village and promote community interactions that would nourish and support us all. We're in the early stages so bear with us...

I started the Village Aunties, a Woolgoolga based community group where we cook meals for new families, families who are grieving or going through a particularly hard time - which happens to us all. In 2023 we were showcased on ABC news nationally promoting Postpartum Care which is a passion of mine and ours. To join the group, please follow this link and please answer the entry questions, then you can occassionally offer support if you have capacity.
In 2023 with the support of the Woolgoolga Community Gardens I started a Seasonal Free Market - A market where everyone is welcome and everything is free.
People come along once every 3 months, at the end of the season, and bring some household things, clothes, kids stuff, vegies or food to share / give away and we hang out for a few hours as a community and have some fun! ​​​

These kid friendly markets are a beautiful way to make the Village come alive again, for new and young mums to meet and swap baby and kids things and also for us all to commune as community. From newborns to elderly people, there's such a great range of people and you never know what you might find. Follow my instagram for dates...
Would you like to come together for some women's circles this Spring? The first one is on Sat Sept 7th in Woopi 2-4pm.
I've felt the call to explore and celebrate the emergence that is naturally activated in us as the seasons change so Im offering three special circles where we can connect to each other and reconnect to ourselves on deeper levels, cultivate curiosity and clarity and sisterhood and grow our hearts bigger together.
This is the first of three. I hope you can make it!
Tickets are $27 and available here

The first one was EPIC! The second one was AWESOME and we cant wait for number 3!
Kirtan is a beautiful singing practice of yoga and coming together in a hall full of women, children, mamas, babies and grandmas is SO LUSH!
Ticket link here tickets just $20 bring some change for chai, water and a cushion.