Healing and Reconnection
Womb Temple
Humans have always expressed their divine notions through art.
Through my Yoga Sadhana I opened deeply to my creativity- first painting then moving into music and sacred poetry. These creations nourish me and capture the essence of my own evolution and I share them here for your own nourishment.
This book is a sacred offering. It may be your entry point to the Ten Wisdom Goddesses of the Tantric Yoga tradition and takes you deeply by the hand, sometimes in shocking ways, other time with pure bliss, and challenges you to become the Goddess in all her forms. It is a call to action, to embrace the depths of your capacity for experiential, pure, energised, heart open, mind expanded transformation.
Recently I have shared some poetic fruits of my Private Sadhana in a special book on the Mahavidya Goddesses of Tantra Yoga - Wellbeing GODDESS by Kylie Terraluna.
To purchase the book online you can click here.
To read some of my tantric devotional poems click here.
All the art on this website is my own original art. Below lies a selection of my favourite pieces.
Please click on the crops to see the full images.
Prints may be available by private arrangement.