Healing and Reconnection
Womb Temple

Before and after surgery are two really important times to come in for some treatment.
Whether the surgery you're having is lifesaving, remedial or cosmetic, it is a wise idea to do what you can to bring balance to the body and the nervous system before you go under the knife.
After the early stage of recovery, hands on healing and bodywork can do a LOT to help women recover from deep aches, sharp pain, pulling and tension, soften down scar tissue, bring back sensation where there is numbess and ease emotionality and stress in the system.​​
Women come to me for so many reasons as they journey through so many different illness, imbalance, pain and surgeries and even as they face death.
ovarian, uterine and cervical cancers
after gallbladder removal
after bowel surgery
pre-hysterectomy and post-hysterectomy
endometriosis surgery support + recovery
after keyhole surgery
post caesarean and episiotomy
and more!
Chaitanya holds the gentlest of space.
To drop into your vulnerability, to drop your guard and surrender your body to her healing hands. Every session I have walked away floating on a cloud of bliss.
-K M. Emerald Beach,
Post Cancer and Hysterectomy
As well as relief from pain and tension I have noticed that deep reconnection with the body is a major healing theme in these sessions. Quite often with major illness or discomfort that has progressed so far as to require surgery, there is a corresponding level of disconnection between the woman and those parts of her anatomy. This may be due to many reasons and is in itself a valid coping strategy of the body, but bringing her awareness back to the tissues and the sacredness of her pre or post surgery body always brings a powerful experience of beauty and deep relief.​​
Scar tissue loves touch! And really, it needs touch to keep it healing and moving in the right direction.
As scars are a trauma to the tissues they need attention, now and in the future. They naturally form adhesions and stick to the surrounding tissues and organs and can cause lines of tension which pull on surrounding and even far away structures causing displacement of organs (such as prolaspe), incontinence and urges to pee as well as abdominal, lower back, pelvic pain and pain with sex and voiding.
Often after big surgeries (or even small ones, sadly) there can be significant pain and pulling and tummy and digestive problems that women weren't expecting. Some of these symptoms only rear their ugly heads decades after the original surgery!

But don't despair too much! There are things you can do so that you're not stuck with these or worsening symptoms for too long. Great advances in pain and symptom relief can be achieved with some hands on healing and therapeutic bodywork and through some simple self care practices you can do at home.
If you're interested to see how you would respond to some gentle, holistic, external bodywork, please feel warmly invited to reach out to me and we can have a chat and make some time for a session together. Im based on the Midnorth Coast NSW, seeing clients from Woolgoolga, Bellingen and Port Macquarie.
To be held and healed by this amazing woman is something else. I have also been taught tools and techniques that I can use at home when things get too big.
K. M. Emerald Beach
Dropped into instant menopause challenges after hysterectomy.
If you're facing surgery, journeying with illness or in a recovery phase, a deeply restorative practice is Yoga Nidra - a Deep Rest meditation practice, done lying down. I recommend this to many of my clients and it can help immensely with recovery, helping the body find the inner resources and calm states she needs in trying, challenging and exhausting times.
"Since having a Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy and D&C it’s been a rough ride healing. I was diagnosed with adenomyosis and stage 4 endometriosis all throughout my pelvis, organs pulled and stuck together, creating a lifetime (21years) of ongoing, crippling pain. 2 months post surgery I knew my body was rested enough to get some extra help to heal from the trauma of the surgery and pelvic dysfunction. After one session I could feel the tension still left from the trauma of surgery melting away, tight joints in my pelvis (sacrum) softening and releasing. I felt like the blood flow was finally returning to the parts of my traumatised body that so desperately needed it! It’s going to be a bit of a journey still to full recovery but I feel so blessed and grateful that I am able to see Chaitanya for help with this. I already feel a noticeable difference that means the world to me! There is no one like her! I highly recommend her to anyone struggling with pelvic issues! Do yourself a solid, go to her, let your body be held, seen and nourished in a safe, sacred space!"
To everyone journeying with these challenges. I send you love, soft feminine strength and hope.
If you are interested in my support, please reach out xx